Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day 7: Of Peruvians and Quilmes

[You'll notice with great relief that my blog entries are much skimpier here on. I seem to have run out of steam. This is not necessarily a bad thing.]

Standing in line for an hour to check in at Mendoza airport may have its drawbacks, but it gives you a chance to see your fellow travelers in action. We will forever remember how the typically quite and very polite Jongwhan brusquely debarred line-cutters from well.. line cutting by drawing the tape across their path. That gave us about 10 minutes of amusement.

Back in 'civilization' in Pallermo our thoughts turned to shopping, so we cabbed it to Plaza Serrano for some 10 peso hot dogs, scarves, wallets, coffee and sundry other things. Some of us made it to Florida St. to buy more blue-and-white Argentina-themed stuff. I will forever remember being stunned by the sight of a full-on espresso machine and barista setup at the McDonald's on Florida - making excellent coffee. Why don't we have that elsewhere in the world?

The high point of the day (and for some, perhaps of the trip), was the amazing evening we spent with Willie and his family in La Boca. Dinner with Peruvians is someone everyone should do at some point in life. Our evening featured Willie's puppy, his grandma, his darling wife (a week away from having a baby!), his cousins, friends, a parilla grill with kilos upon kilos of meat, lots of Quilmes, and some very spirited dancing. And of course, like any civilized cultured, Willie and the boys drank out of one cup, passing the bottle around.

A night to remember. Of course, making it out of La Boca alive for the second time was also something to be celebrated.

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