Thus far, what I had seen of the ocean floor and fish-life was limited to what the Discovery Channel showed me. I’m a terrible swimmer + I rarely vacation = > I rarely vacation under water. [My logic is flawless].
We snorkeled off of a boat that brought us to Kealakekua Bay – a mile-wide bay blessed with calm waters and ensconced within steep cliff sides. The bay is also home to the Captain Cook Monument, erected to honour the English explorer who ‘discovered’ the Hawaiian islands, befriended the locals, and eventually.. died at their hands. Hmm. Guess that didn’t work out for him. Anyway. Ah yes, snorkeling.
The water is benevolent and warm in this part of the ocean, averaging in the upper seventies, Farhenheit-wise speaking. The visibility under water is great, and there’s plenty of fish to ogle at. Is it just me or does the coral look like giant, underwater cauliflower?
No points for guessing which one of these critters is not native to the Pacific.
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