Sunday, June 7, 2015

Italy - Have I mentioned the cheese?

As a continent, Europe has a lot going for it. Beautiful countryside that inspired many a depressed painter to reproduce said countrysides with absolutely no regard for perspective, wines that benefit from a thousand years of human ingenuity in getting a classy buzz on, and cheeses that are worth fighting wars over (which I understand happened pretty regularly). Italy rolled the dice and did pretty well on all fronts. We had a lovely time in Rome - visiting the Colleseum and its environs, gawking at the Vatican museum, St. Peter's Basilica, and the chapel ceiling, and taking a day trip to the Tuscan countryside. But here's what stood out..

The coffee.
Italy has the best coffee. In the world. I haven't seen every bit of the world, much less had coffee everywhere, but enough to know that Italy is probably as good as it's going to get. And none of the 10 minute waits in self-indulgent Seattle coffee shops that make a process out of every over-complicated coffee order. Coffee in Italy takes 45 seconds to appear, is usually offered in only the most worthwhile of variations, and costs a euro or so. And is almost always near perfect. Damn these guys get it right.

The cheese.
As of this writing there is still some cheese left in Italy that I didn't consume while I was there. Not out of shame or anything. Just didn't get to it. Anyway, cheese in Italy was a revelation. The juiciness of plan mozzarella. The tang of parmesan or pecorino. Just right. Brought back a 3 lb pecorino cheese wheel. The opening and consumption of which should be a much celebrated Seattle event. Mmmm.

The cacio e pepe (also featuring the cheese).
Had cacio e pepe for the first time our first night at a place called Monti Caruso. What a concept. Must do this at home. So simple.

The history.
You can't swing a dead cat without hitting something that's 500 years old around here in Rome. Not that you'd want to. Cats are pretty cute critters in general. Point is, there's a lot of really well-catalogued history that just makes you wonder.
The countryside
Probably the best day in Italy was when we got on a City Wonders (pretty good tour company) bus and headed to Montepulciano and Pienza in Toscana. It was like driving through a painting. Again, and again. Stunning countryside.

By the end of it thought, we'd had enough bread and pasta. They were lovely, but there's only so far you can go without healthy doses of vegetables, fruit, and some good old protein, you know? 

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